
Unusual! Hubble may have discovered an object of the Io moon spewing the Europa Surface of Jupiter

Unusual! Hubble may have discovered an object of the Io moon spewing the Europa surface of Jupiter 

International scientists, using data from NASA and ESA's Hubble Space Telescope, have just spotted sulfur dioxide on the surface of Europa's moon. That material may have originated from the moon Io of Jupiter, the number one gas giant in our solar system. 

Picture 1: Hubble Telescope

The preliminary findings were led by scientists from the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) through the Europa lunar eclipse using the ultraviolet wavelengths of the Hubble Space Telescope. This effort produced the first map of the presence of sulfur dioxide on the icy moon surface. According to SwRI researchers, the amount of sulfur dioxide found above is much larger and covers a much larger area than previous findings, allowing us to see directly. visible) and through the ultraviolet signal.

Picture 2: Europa Moon

In the wake of the shocking discovery, scientists have initially speculated that all of the sulfur dioxide may have originated from the moon Io. Io is well known as the most active volcanic site in our solar system, as sulfur dioxide can be ejected by itself through volcanic eruptions and erupted. The space then lands on the same part of the moon Europa that orbits Jupiter.

Picture 3: Europa Clipper mission

It should be noted that the factors that can push the above process to happen is due to the magnetic field of Jupiter, which is the master of the two moons. The Europa Clipper mission, which will reach Jupiter in 2030, may take the opportunity to study the presence of sulfur dioxide in addition to exploring the oceans under the glacier Europa, which is suspected to be Hide life.


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